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Семинар «Актуальные проблемы теории расписаний»

Архив семинара

Norbert Trautmann (University of Bern)
Mixed-integer linear programming for project scheduling with resource-unit related constraints.

Nicole Megow (Universität Bremen)
Learning-Augmented Online Algorithms for Scheduling and Routing.

Philippe Laborie (Hexaly)
Hexaly Optimizer for Scheduling.

Patrick De Causmaecker (KU Leuven)
Data Science Meets Scheduling.

Hugo Chareyre (Artelys)
Operational scheduling in automotive industry.

Iiro Harjunkoski (Hitachi Energy)
Scheduling and Energy – Industrial Challenges and Opportunities.

Maciej Drozdowski (Poznań U. of Tech.)
Scheduling divisible loads.

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Информация о семинаре

Кононов Александр Вениаминович

Время и место проведения:
Вторник, 16.20 ч., к. 115


Семинары ИМ СО РАН